
Developer Guide





The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the application.

Given below is a quick overview of the main components and how they work with each other.

Main components of the architecture

SkyControl is responsible for:

The rest of the app consists of five components.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The sequence diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues a valid flight add command.

Architecture sequence diagram

Each of the component is initialised in SkyControl, the parse , execute and insertIntoFile methods are called by the run method in SkyControl which continuously takes in user input and executes accordingly until the app is shut down.

Ui component

Here is a partial class diagram of the Ui component.

Ui class diagram

The Ui component consists of:

Parser component

Below is a partial class diagram that shows an overview of the Parser component.


Certain boolean methods and variables in Parser class used to classify the user input are not included for simplicity.

The Parser component consists of:

Command component

Here is a partial class diagram that shows an overview of the Command component.


Trivial methods such as getters are omitted from the diagram for simplicity. The overriden execute() method is also taken out to improve visibility of the association.

The Command component consists of:

OperationList component

Below is a partial class diagram that shows an overview of the OperationList component.


The various methods implemented to ensure the operations are done correctly are not included to maintain simplicity.

The OperationList component consists of:

Storage component

Below is a partial class diagram that shows an overview of the Storage component.


The Storage component consists of:

To add on, the Storage component is designed to only access the following folders: SkyControl.txt file.

The rationale behind standardizing a specific folder to read/save to, is to ensure that all relevant files can be found in the same location, which makes it easier for users to find the files they are looking for.

Common classes

The seedu.duke.exceptions package contains the SkyControlException class and SyncException class which are used by the various components to be thrown as exceptions and print specific error messages to the console.


This section would focus on explaining the application flow and the specifics on how the features are implemented.

List of Commands

The following sequence diagrams to showcase the list of commands,


  1. Add a passenger feature
  2. Delete a passenger feature
  3. List passengers feature
  4. Add a flight feature
  5. Delete a flight feature
  6. Modify flight features
  7. Delay a flight feature
  8. List flights feature

Add a passenger feature

The command Add a passenger adds passenger details of a particular passenger to the passenger list.

Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram

  1. SkyControl first retrieves the parameters departureTime and gateNumber from the respective flight detail in FlightList and appends the details to the lineInput.
  2. Once the AddPassengerCommand is instantiated, the execute method is called from the SkyControl class with passenger list and user input as method parameters.
  3. AddPassengerCommand then calls the method addOperation(String passengerDetail) within the PassengerList class.
  4. getPassengerDetails(String passengerDetail) method then extracts each of the passenger detail into an attribute in the PassengerList class
  5. passenger object of the class PassengerInfo is instantiated using the attributes retrieved from the method in Step 4. The passenger object is then added to the list of passengers
  6. Ui class level method showAddedPassenger(PassengerInfo passenger) is used to display to the user that passenger has been added to the list successfully.

Delete a passenger feature

A delete function that removes a passenger’s detail from the passenger’s log book is facilitated by DeletePassengerCommand. It extends an abstract Command with an override method called execute. The abstract Command extends a Parser which holds and validates the User input to determine the type of command.

Furthermore, DeletePassengerCommand implements the following operation:

Sequence diagram

sequence diagram

When Parser verifies that the command is an entity passenger and delete operation, DeletePassengerCommend is instantiated.

  1. execute(passenger, lineInput) will run within DeletePassengerCommend which in turn would call on deleteOperation(passengerDetail) in PassengerList class.
  2. Within deleteOperation(passengerDetail), it would loop the arraylist passengers obtained from OperationList.
  3. If passenger is found, delete object passenger from passengers. ELse, return without deletion.
  4. The sequence diagram above assumes that a valid passenger is present in the passenger list to be deleted.

List passengers feature

A list function lists out all passengers’ details in table form which is facilitated by ListPassengerCommand. It extends an abstract Command with an override method called execute. The abstract Command extends a Parser which holds and validates the User input to determine the type of command.

Furthermore, ListPassengerCommand implements the following operation:

Sequence diagram

sequence diagram

When Parser verifies that the command is an entity passenger and list operation, ListPassengerCommend is instantiated.

  1. execute(passenger, lineInput) will run within ListPassengerCommend which in turn would call on listOperation() in PassengerList class.
  2. Within listOperation(), it would first check if arraylist passengers obtained from OperationList is empty or not.
  3. If passengers is empty, prints empty table, else prints respective passenger details in table form.
  4. The sequence diagram assumes that a passenger detail is present in the list to be deleted.

Add a flight feature

The Add a flight function adds a flight with its corresponding details to the flight logbook.

Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram

When the Parser recognizes the add flight command, the AddFlightCommand() is instantiated.

  1. The AddFlightCommand then implements a new addOperation(lineInput:String) in FlightList
  2. Flight List will then check if the lineInput is empty or inputted incorrectly. If it is, it will not continue to make any changes to the flight logbook.
  3. If the user has inputted correctly, getFlightDetails(flightDetails:String) extracts the various flight details into an attribute.
  4. The FlightInfo is then instantiated using the details retrieved from the previous step. And the flight Object can then be added to the flight array list.
  5. Finally,showFlightAddedMessage() in the UI class prints a message to inform the user that they have added the flight.

Delete a flight feature

A delete function which allows the user to delete a flight specified with its flight number and departure time from the flight logbook.

This feature is facilitated by DeleteFlightCommand. It extends an abstract Command with an override method execute. The abstract Command extends a Parser which holds and validates the User input to determine the type of command.

DeleteFlightCommand implements the following operation:

The sequence diagram shown below describes the behaviour of the flight delete operation. This scenario assumes that the manager has given a valid ‘flight delete’ command as an input for easier readability.

Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram

Assuming that the manager has entered a valid ‘flight delete’ command, parser() will verify that the command is an entity flight and a delete operation. executeEntity() runs within SkyControl which will create an instantiation of DeleteFlightCommand.

  1. execute(flights, lineInput) will run within DeleteFlightCommand which calls deleteOperation(lineInput) in FlightList class.
  2. Within deleteOperaton(lineInput), it will check whether the flight number given is valid or not.
  3. Given a valid flight number, findAndRemoveFlight(flightNumber) will search through the entire arraylist flights to find if the flight number exists and remove it from the arraylist.
  4. Upon successful deletion, showFlightRemovedMessage() is called which prints a message to the user to indicate a successful delete operation
  5. deletePassengersOnSameFlightNumber(flightNumber) will also run in deleteOperation(lineInput) to find and delete the information of the passengers which contain the flight number that has been successfully removed.

Modify flight features

There are 2 modify features:

Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram

  1. The ModifyFlightNumCommand class is instantiated in SkyControl by the Parser classes.
  2. execute(passengers, lineInput) is then called from SkyControl. Then, ModifyFlightNumCommand extracts the existing flight number and new flight number parameters from the lineInput before calling the modifyFlightNum(flightNum, newFlightNum) method in FlightList.
  3. In FlightList, if the input parameters are incorrect, a relevant exception is raised and the command terminates.
  4. If the input parameters are correct, the findFlightInfo(flightNum) and getFlightAttributes(flight) methods are called. The former retrieves the FlightInfo object while the latter extracts the flight attributes of the FlightInfo object.
  5. After the FlightInfo object is retrieved, the new flight number is set using the setFlightNum(newFlightNum) method.
  6. The changes are reflected in the CLI using the Ui class.
  7. Finally, execute(passengers, lineInput) method is called from SkyControl to reflect the changes in flight number for the respective passengers as well.

Delay a flight feature

In the event of a flight not being able to depart on time and needs to be delayed, the flight delay command allows AOM to delay the departure time of an existing flight.

Sequence Diagram

sequence diagram

When the Parser recognizes the delay command has been inputted, DelayFlightCommand is instantiated.

  1. execute(entityList, lineInput) will run in the DelayFlightCommand and call on the delayFLightDeparture method which helps extract the flight number to be changed and new departure timing from the user lineInput.
  2. Once FlightList Class has this information, it will check if the lineInput was empty or entered incorrectly. If it is empty or incorrect, no delay changes will be made.
  3. Else, the method findFlightInfo will find the index of the flight to change.
  4. Once it is found, getFLightAttributes is called to retrieve all the relevant flight details from FlightInfo.
  5. Using the information retrieved, setDepartureTime(newDepartureTime) appends the flight records and change the departure time.
  6. Finally, showUpdatedDepartureTime(flightNum, oldDepartureTime, newDepartureTime informs the user the flight delay has been saved.

List flights feature

The list function lists out all flight details in a table form which is facilitated by ListFlightCommand. It extends an abstract Command class with an override method called execute.

sequence diagram

When the Parser recognizes the flight list command, ListFlightCommand is instantiated.

  1. The ListFlightCommand would call on the listOperation() method in the FlightList.
  2. In turn, the method calls showListOfFlights in the Ui class. It calls checkEmptyFlightList to check if the flight OperationList is empty.
  3. If the numOfFlights == 0, an empty table is printed. Else, it would print the respective flight details in a table form.

Product scope

Target user profile

  1. Required to keep track of flight schedule and passenger information in a single working day
  2. Has experience using CLI
  3. Can type fast
  4. Prefer using CLI over other types (such as GUI)

Value proposition

This application helps users(specifically an Airport Operations Planning & Airside Manager) to store and view flight information and passenger information. It includes features such as the ability to add, delete, modify a flight’s details or a passenger’s details.

To sum it up, this application helps an Airport Operations Planning & Airside Manager(AOM) have an easier time keeping track of constant changes in flight scheduling and the relevant passenger details.

User Stories

Version As a … I can … So that I can …
v1.0 AOM add a passenger details be able to manually add a passenger details
v1.0 AOM delete a passenger details be able to delete a passenger details manually
v1.0 AOM add flight detail be able to manually add flight details
v1.0 AOM remove flight details be able to manually remove flight details
v1.0 AOM view the details of a passenger see the details of passengers and identify each passenger
v1.0 AOM view the flight schedule and their timings for each day see the details of each flight
v2.0 AOM include the flight details before inputting the passenger details there is no confusion to flight availability
v2.0 AOM change the flight number of different airlines fix any modifications to the flight information easily
v2.0 AOM change one or many passenger’s boarding gate number fix any modifications to the passenger information easily
v2.0 AOM include a delay in departure/arrival time for flights accommodate for any delays in the flights
v2.0 AOM save the flight and passenger details that have been entered still access them after closing and reopening the program
v2.1 AOM automatically sync up passenger details with flight details prevent any error in input between passenger and flight detail for same details

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. User should work on Windows, Linux or OS-X as long as Java-11 or above has been installed.
  2. Should be able to hold up to a hundred flights in a day without any noticeable decrease in processing speed.
  3. User should be able to understand and be familiar with airport scheduling operations prior to the usage of this bot.
  4. A user with an above average typing speed for regular english text


Instructions for manual testing

Launch and Exit

  1. Launch

    To launch SkyControl, please follow the instructions on our Getting Started.

  2. Exit

    Enter the command quit to close the program.


To specify a command for flights or passengers, the word flight and passenger has to be added in front respectively.

Add a flight

Adding a new flight can be done using the flight add fn/FLIGHT_NUMBER a/AIRLINE d/DESTINATION dt/DEPARTURE_TIME gn/GATE_NUMBER c/CHECKIN_ROW_DOOR command.

  1. Add a flight with all details filled in correctly.
    1. Prerequisite: Any flight with the same flight number as the test case should not be in the flight logbook.
    2. Test Case: flight add fn/sq832 a/Singapore Airlines d/bangkok dt/1600 gn/05 c/03-03
    3. Expected Output:
       Flight added!
  2. Add a flight with missing details.
    1. Test Case:flight add fn/sq832 a/Singapore Airlines
    2. Expected Output:
       The system is unable to read your command, please try again.
  3. Add a flight with invalid details. SkyControl checks for valid, flight numbers, 24HR timing, gate numbers and check in numbers.
    1. Test Case with invalid departure time outside the 24HR format: flight add fn/sq832 a/Singapore Airlines d/bangkok dt/7200 gn/05 c/03-03
    2. Expected Output:
       Stop! The departure time input format is wrong.
       Please try again in 24Hr time format.
    3. Test Case with wrong flight number: flight add fn/WRONG123 a/Singapore Airlines d/bangkok dt/1200 gn/05 c/03-03
    4. Expected Output:
       Stop! The flight number input format is wrong.
       Please try again with the following format:
       'SQ12' - For international flights
       'SQ123' - For regional flights
       'SQ1234' - For domestic flights
  4. Other incorrect flight add commands to try:
    1. Test Case: flight add fn/sq832 a/Singapore Airlines d/bangkok dt/7200 gn/x c/y (where x is not within 00 to 99 while y is not a valid row-door number)
    2. Expected Output: Similar to previous with slight variation specifying the correct gate number or check-in row/door format user should use.

Delete a flight

  1. Deleting an existing flight
    1. Test Case: flight delete sq832
    2. Expected Output:
  2. Deleting a flight that does not exist
    1. Test Case: flight delete sq456
    2. Expected Output:

Modify a flight

  1. Modify flight number
    1. Test Case: modify SQ832 fn/SQ654
    2. Expected Output:
       Flight number of flight SQ832 is updated to SQ654.
  2. Modify gate number
    1. Test Case: modify SQ654 gn/08
    2. Expected Output:
       Gate number of flight SQ654 is updated to 08.

Delay a flight

  1. Delaying an existing flight but with an earlier invalid timing.
    1. Test Case: delay sq654 dt/0800
    2. Expected Output:
       Stop! Please enter a valid departure time for flight SQ654. 
       Time must be later than 2100.

Add a passenger

  1. Adding a passenger to an existing flight with all details filled in correctly.
    1. Prerequisite: No passenger in the same flight should be occupying the seat specified in the test case.
    2. Test Case: passenger add n/Ivan Theng fn/sq654 bg/06 sn/17d
    3. Expected Output:
       Passenger IVAN THENG of SQ654 17D has been added.
  2. Adding a passenger to a flight that does not exist in the flight logbook.
    1. Test Case: passenger add n/Susan Lee fn/ke987 bg/34 sn/22e
    2. Expected Output: SkyControl would print an error informing the manager that he needs to flight add an existing flight number into the list first before being able to add a passenger of the existing flight number into the logbook.
       Stop! The input passenger detail does not have a flight number that exist yet.
       Flight detail of the specific flight number should input first.

Delete a passenger

  1. Deleting an existing passenger with all details filled in correctly.
    1. Test Case: passenger delete n/Ivan Theng fn/sq654 sn/17d
    2. Expected Output:
       Passenger IVAN THENG from SQ654 of seat number 17D have been
       deleted from the passenger list.
       1 passenger(s) left on the passenger list.
  2. Deleting a passenger that does not exist or passenger list is empty.
    1. Prerequisites: There should be no passengers present in the passenger list.
    2. Test Case: passenger delete n/Ivan Theng fn/sq654 sn/17d
    3. Expected Output: An error would be printed to inform the manager that no such passenger exist or that the list is empty
       The system is unable to delete the specified passenger
       as he/she is not found in the passenger list or his/her
       detail have been input incorrectly.

Automated setting for boarding time

Syncing passenger boarding time with delayed departure time

Listing Flights and Passengers

The list command has 2 variations:

The first command lists all flights in the flight logbook while the second commands lists all passengers in the passenger logbook.

  1. Listing Flights
    1. Test Case: flight list
    2. Expected Output:
       |                                                  FLIGHT DETAILS LOGBOOK FOR TERMINAL 1                                         |
       |      SQ654 |       06-11-22 |     SINGAPORE AIRLINES |               BANGKOK |           2100 |       08 |               03-03 |
  2. Listing Passengers
    1. Test Case: passenger list
    2. Expected Output:
       |                                                  PASSENGER DETAILS LOGBOOK                                                   |
       | IVAN THENG               | 06-11-22       | 2100           | SQ654      | 08       | 6            | 17D      | 2015          |
  3. Empty Flight List
    1. Prerequisite: There should be no flight present in the flight logbook. (All flight have been deleted or no flight has been inputted into SkyControl.txt)
    2. Test case: flight list
    3. Expected Output: SkyControl would print out an empty list, stating that its empty
       |                                                  FLIGHT DETAILS LOGBOOK FOR TERMINAL 1                                         |
       |                                             The flight details logbook is empty.                                               |
  4. Empty Passenger List
    1. Prerequisite: There should be no passengers present in the passenger list.
    2. Test case: passenger list
    3. Expected Output: SkyControl would print out an empty list, stating that its empty
       |                                                  PASSENGER DETAILS LOGBOOK                                                   |
       |                                          The passenger details logbook is empty.                                             |

Below is a summary of all the possible commands that you can execute in SkyControl as well as their required formats and an example. Followed by the format that each parameter should adhere to.

Command Format Example
passenger add passenger add n/PASSENGER_NAME fn/FLIGHT_NUMBER bg/BOARDING_GROUP sn/SEAT_NUMBER passenger add n/Ivan Theng fn/sq832 bg/01 sn/17d
flight add flight add fn/FLIGHT_NUMBER a/AIRLINE d/DESTINATION dt/DEPARTURE_TIME gn/GATE_NUMBER c/CHECKIN_ROW_DOOR flight add fn/KE632 a/Korea Airlines d/Korea dt/1200 gn/32 c/12-03
passenger delete passenger delete n/PASSENGER_NAME fn/FLIGHT_NUMBER sn/SEAT_NUMBER passenger delete n/Ivan Theng fn/sq832 sn/17d
flight delete flight delete FLIGHT_NUMBER flight delete ke632
passenger list passenger list passenger list
flight list flight list flight list
modify flight number modify FLIGHT_NUMBER fn/NEW_FLIGHT_NUMBER modify SQ832 fn/SQ654
modify gate number modify FLIGHT_NUMBER gn/NEW_GATE_NUMBER modify SQ654 gn/08
delay delay FLIGHT_NUMBER dt/NEW_DEPARTURE_TIME delay KE632 dt/2100

Table of parameters:

Parameter Format to adhere by Example
PASSENGER_NAME Input name should be no more than 24 characters Ivan Lim
DEPARTURE_TIME Input departure time should be in 24 Hours format 2100
NEW_DEPARTURE_TIME Input departure time should be in 24 Hours format and later than the existing departure time 2200
FLIGHT_NUMBER Input flight number should start with 2 letter character, followed either by
Two numbers for international flights
Three numbers for regional flights
Four numbers for domestic flights
NEW_FLIGHT_NUMBER Input flight number should follow FLIGHT_NUMBER constraints but must not be the same flight code KE356
GATE_NUMBER Input gate number should be 2 digits and between ranges 00 and 99 05
NEW_GATE_NUMBER Input gate number should follow GATE_NUMBER constraints but must not be the same value 22
BOARDING_GROUP Input boarding Group should not be more than 10 and should be in digit form 01
SEAT_NUMBER Input Seat number should range between 00A to 99Z B01

Storage of flights and passengers